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27 August 2011

Blue Nun: retro chic & Indian food

"Imagine my surprise" when my companion got a bottle of Blue Nun to take to one of those civilized Indian (or probably north Pakistani / Bangladeshi actually) restaurants that let you take your own - the recommended 'Green Chilli' in Bangor, N.Ireland to be precise. But, hey I thought, things have changed and it's a whole branded range now including reds, pink and fizz too sourced from all over the wine planet. Let's see what it's like nowadays... Reinventing yourself and changing "to suit consumer tastes," as the marketing babblers would no doubt put it, are obviously a good thing.
This Blue Nun, a 2010 Rivaner/Riesling blend (the former a crossbreed of Sylvaner and Riesling, aka Müller-Thurgau, so kinda two-thirds Riesling then I s'pose) from Germany's Rheinhessen region with refreshing 10% alcohol, is zesty floral and citrus edged with some of that Riesling 'mineral' oily thing going on. It's also on the off- to medium-dry side, unlike the dreaded sickly sweet Liebfrau of the past, and, although fairly delicate, did work quite well with a variety of 'Indian' dishes, such as prawn puri, aloo chat, mushroom rice or sag tikka special (all very tasty, nice and spicy but not too powerful). But it was a bit light for the sizzling lamb dish, which probably needed a fruity rosé with a touch more weight although certainly not a red wine, which doesn't generally go with this type of food from my experience (spices and tannin = big flavour clash). Widely available for about a fiver: this bottle £4.89 in Asda I think.
Photo = Blue Nun Winemaker’s Passion Riesling, not the one I tried but could be worth a go too...

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